Adult Learning


Sunday Morning Adult Sunday School Classes

Classes and Bible studies are open to all adults and you may feel free to jump in at any time! 

Journeys, led by Bob Howe
This Adult Sunday School class meets throughout the year on Sundays at 9:30 am in the Multi-Purpose Room in the main floor.  Each David C. Cook Bible-in-Life study communicates the Gospel with life-changing clarity and encourages participants to apply it to their daily lives. Adults of all ages are welcome to jump in any time! 

Crusaders, online class led by Nancy Comer, 9:00 a.m. Sundays
Applying the Bible to everyday Christian living, this group takes current events and uses relevant scripture (Wired World curriculum) in thought provoking discussion, self-reflection and prayer. Everyone welcome! 

Disciples, led by Pastor Steve and others
This class meets in the Lower Level Conference Room at 9:30 a.m. on Sunday mornings. This class focuses on a variety of interesting topics.

Weekly Adult Learning Opportunities

Monday Men's Prayer and Study, led by Glen Dappen and Bob Howe
This Men's study and prayer group meets on Monday mornings at 6:30 am in Fellowship Hall. The group is designed to bring men together for a time of discussion, study, and prayer.

The World We May Know, led by Pastor Steve Wisthoff
This class meets on Wednesday mornings 10:00 and Wednesday evenings at 6:30. This study is centered around videos by teacher Ray Vander Laan and leads students through powerful faith lessons based upon the Holy Land sites. The morning class meets upstairs in the Multi-Purpose, the evening class meets in Fellowship Hall.

Listening Prayer Groups
Please inquire with Pastor Steve if you are interested in being part of a prayer group.
Listening prayer. What would happen if we practiced silence in our prayers rather than doing all the talking? This group is focused on listening to God for divine direction.